In this paper, an energy harvesting architecture in an Underlay Cooperative Cognitive Network (UCCN) is investigated, in which power constrained Decode-and-Forward relays harvest energy from radio-frequency signals received from a source, and then consume the harvested energy by forwarding the recoded signals to their destination. These recoded signals are launched by a transmitting power which is the harvested energy per a time interval. Based on the energy harvesting architectures that have been studied, two operation protocols are proposed: UCCN with Power Splitting architecture (UCCN-PS), and UCCN with Time Switching architecture (UCCN-TS). The best cooperative relay in both protocols is taken to be the one that satisfies the following conditions: maximum harvested energy, and maximum decoding capacity. As a result of the best relay selection, the signal quality of the selected link from the best relay to the destination is enhanced by the maximum harvested energy. The system performance of the secondary network in the UCCN-PS and UCCN-TS protocols is analyzed and evaluated by the exact closed-form outage probabilities and throughput analyses over Rayleigh fading channels. The Monte Carlo simulation method is performed to verify the theoretical expressions. Evaluations based on outage probability and throughput show that the system performance of the secondary network in the UCCN-PS and UCCN-TS protocols improves when the number of cooperative relays and the interference constraint increase as well as when the primary receiver is farther from the transmitting nodes such as the source and relays of the secondary network. In addition, the throughput performance of the UCCN-PS protocol outperforms that of the UCCN-TS protocol. Finally, the effects of the power splitting ratio, energy harvesting time, energy conversion efficiency, target Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), and location of cooperative relays on the system performance of the secondary network are presented and discussed.
Karma WANGCHUK Minseok KIM Jun-ichi TAKADA
To improve the outage performance of a wireless body area network (BAN), exploitation of the diversity in the channel obtained by letting different nodes cooperate and relay signals for each other is an attractive solution. We carry out multi-link channel measurements and modeling for all realistic locations of the on-body sensor nodes and for three different motion scenarios in a typical office environment to develop equivalent channel model for simple and practical cooperative transmission schemes. Using the developed model the performance of the transmission schemes are evaluated and compared. Incremental decode and forward relaying is found to be consistently better than the other schemes with gains of up to 16dB at 10% outage probability, and an average gain of more than 5.9dB for any location of the coordinator node. The best location of the coordinator node based on the performance is also determined. Such insights will be very useful in designing BANs.
Siye WANG Yanjun ZHANG Bo ZHOU Wenbiao ZHOU Dake LIU
In this paper, we consider a two-way multi-relay scenario and analyze the bit error rate (BER) and outage performance of an amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying protocol. We first investigate the bit error probability by considering channel estimation error. With the derivation of effective signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the transceiver and its probability density function (PDF), we can obtain a closed form formulation of the total average error probability of two-way multi-relay system. Furthermore, we also derive exact expressions of the outage probability for two-way relay through the aid of a modified Bessel function. Finally, numerical experiments are performed to verify the analytical results and show that our theoretical derivations are exactly matched with simulations.
In this paper, we study the impact of opportunistic user scheduling on the outage probability of cognitive radio (CR) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems in the high power region where the peak transmit power constraint is higher than the peak interference constraint. The primary contributions of this paper are the derivation of exact closed-form expressions of the proposed scheduled CR-MIMO systems for outage probability and asymptotic analysis to quantify the diversity order and signal to noise ratio (SNR) gain. Through exact analytical results, we provide the achievable outage probability of the proposed scheduled systems as a function of SNR. Also, through asymptotic analysis, we show that the scheduled CR-MIMO systems provide some diversity order gain over the non-scheduled CR-MIMO systems which comes from multi-user diversity (MUD). Also, the SNR gain of the proposed scheduled systems is identical to that of the non-scheduled CR-MIMO systems.
The problem of resource allocation to minimize the outage probability for the secondary user (SU) groups in a cognitive radio (CR) multicast network is investigated. We propose a joint power and rate allocation scheme that provides significant improvement over the conventional scheme in terms of outage probability.
Jinxiao ZHU Yulong SHEN Xiaohong JIANG Osamu TAKAHASHI Norio SHIRATORI
The fading channel model is seen as an important approach that can efficiently capture the basic time-varying properties of wireless channels, while physical layer security is a promising approach to providing a strong form of security. This paper focuses on the fundamental performance study of applying physical layer security to achieve secure and reliable information transmission over the fading wire-tap channel. For the practical scenario where the main channel is correlated with the eavesdropper channel but only the real time channel state information (CSI) of the main channel is known at the transmitter, we conduct a comprehensive study on the fundamental performance limits of this system by theoretically modeling its secrecy capacity, transmission outage probability and secrecy outage probability. With the help of these theoretical models, we then explore the inherent performance tradeoffs under fading wire-tap channel and also the potential impact of channel correlation on such tradeoffs.
The outage performance of a multiuser two-way amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying network, where N-th best selection scheme with the consideration to the feedback delay, is investigated. Specifically, the new closed-form expressions for cumulative distribution function (CDF) and outage probability (OP) are presented over time varying Rayleigh-fading channels. Furthermore, simple approximate OP is derived assessing the high signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR), which identifies the diversity behavior. Numerical results show excellent agreement with theoretical results.
This paper proposes an opportunistic feedback and user selection method for a multiuser two-way relay channel (MU-TWRC) in a time-varying environments where a base station (BS) and a selected mobile station (MS), one of K moving MSs, exchange messages during two time slots via an amplify-and-forward relay station. Specifically, under the assumption of perfect channel reciprocity, we analyze the outage probabilities of several channel feedback scenarios, including the proposed scheme. Based on the analysis, the transmission rates are optimized and the optimal user selection method is proposed to maximize the expected sum throughput. The simulation results indicate that, with opportunistic feedback, the performance can be significantly improved compared to that without feedback. Moreover, the performance is nearly identical to that with full feedback, and close to the case of perfect channel state information at BS for low mobility MSs.
This paper analyzes the performance of a two-way relay network experiencing co-channel interference from multiple interferers due to aggressive frequency reuse in cellular networks. We discuss two different scenarios: Outages are declared individually for each user (individual outage) and an outage is declared simultaneously for all users (common outage). We derive the closed-form expressions for the individual and common outage probabilities of the two-way relay network with multiple interferers. The validity of our analytical results is verified by a comparison with simulation results. It is shown that the analytical results perfectly match the simulation results of the individual and common outage probabilities. Also, it is shown that the individual and common outage probabilities increase as the number of interferers increases.
Zhangjun FAN Daoxing GUO Bangning ZHANG Youyun XU
This letter investigates the outage performance of a joint transmit and receive antenna selection scheme in an amplify-and-forward two-way relaying system with channel estimation error. A closed-form approximate outage probability expression is derived, based on which the asymptotic outage probability expression is derived to get an insight on system's outage performance at high signal-to-noise (SNR) region. Monte Carlo simulation results are presented to verify the analytical results.
Myeong-Jin KIM Hyun-Ho LEE Young-Chai KO Taehyun JEON
In this paper, we propose four different strategies of node pair selection in multiple input multiple output (MIMO) interference channel where interference alignment (IA) is considered as a transceiver design method. In the first scheme, we consider the maximization of the sum rate by selecting node pairs in a brute force way. We also propose a sub-optimal sum rate maximization scheme with lower complexity than the first scheme. In the third scheme, we aim to minimize the number of links among pairs which incurs the outage in MIMO interference channel. In the fourth scheme, we suggest a max-min node pair selection scheme to enhance both the sum rate and the outage probability. Simulation results demonstrate that all our proposed node pair selection schemes can increase the sum rate but also while also reducing the outage probability compared to the scheme with random node pair selection.
Qian ZHANG Yuhan DONG Xuedan ZHANG Benzhou JIN Xiaokang LIN
The traditional selection cooperation scheme selects the relay with best instantaneous receive signal-to-noise ratio to forward the message and achieves good outage performance, which may however cause poor fairness among relays. In this letter, we propose two practical selection cooperation schemes in Decode-and-Forward (DF) fashion to improve the fairness of relay selection. Numerical results suggest that both of the proposed schemes can achieve fairness close to the strict fairness scheme without outage performance deterioration. It is also validated that these schemes have lower complexities than traditional ones and therefore are practical for real networks.
In this paper, we investigate the outage probability of a dual-hop, channel state information (CSI)-assisted amplify-and-forward (AF) multiple antenna relay network when interference is present at the relay. The source and the destination are equipped with multiple antennas and communicate with each other with the help of a single antenna relay. Transmit antenna selection is performed at the source for source-relay communication. Three receiver combining schemes namely, maximal ratio combining (MRC), equal gain combining (EGC) and selection combining (SC) are considered at the destination. Exact analytical expressions are derived for the outage probability of MRC and SC receiving while an approximate expression is obtained for EGC. Monte-Carlo simulation results are provided to complement analytical results and to demonstrate the effect of interference.
Jianfei CAO Zhangdui ZHONG Bo AI
In this paper, we study four simple but fundamental cooperative protocols operating in the decode-and-forward (DF) fashion. Intuitively, finding an appropriate relay for such protocols may greatly improve the outage performance in practice. To this end, we investigate the issue of relay selection in this paper. Specifically, using the asymptotic outage probability, we define and derive the cooperative gain (CG) which quantitatively evaluates the superiority of cooperation over direct transmission. To simplify the process of relay selection, we derive the cooperative region (CR) where a relay is necessarily invoked to aid the communication from source to destination. With the aid of CG and CR, we propose our relay selection algorithm requiring the geographical information rather than the instantaneous channel state information (CSI), and predict the optimal relay locations. In addition, two diversity bounds are also prepared and compared. Finally, both simulations and numerical results are provided on the asymptotic outage probability, CG and CR.
In this letter, we analyze the outage performance of cognitive spectrum sharing in two-way relaying systems. We derive expressions of outage probability for the primary and secondary network over independent but not necessarily identically distributed (i.n.i.d.) Rayleigh fading channels. Monte Carlo simulations are presented to verify the theoretical analyses.
Xuan GENG Fang CAO Qi-ming SHI
In this letter, non-orthogonal amplify-and-forward (NAF) is considered in a half-duplex two-way system. We derive the closed-form outage probability in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) region, and approximate it with a simpler version to enable power allocation. Then a closed-form power allocation scheme is proposed to improve the outage performance; it uses only statistical channel knowledge (SCK). It is validated that our analyses agree with simulation results and the proposed power allocation approaches the optimal power allocation.
Dac-Binh HA Vo Nguyen Quoc BAO Nguyen-Son VO
We derive a closed-form expression for the outage probability (OP), which is an important performance metric used to measure the probability that the target error rate performance of wireless systems exceeds a specified value, of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying systems with best antenna selection under independent, but not necessarily identical distributed Nakagami-m fading. To gain further insights on the performance, the asymptotic approximation for OP, which reveals the diversity gain, is presented. We show that the diversity gain is solely determined by the fading severity parameters and increases with number of antennas at all nodes.
Cooperative relay selection, in which one of multiple relays is selected to retransmit the source signal to the destination, has received considerable attention in recent years, because it is a simple way to obtain cooperative diversity in wireless networks. The exact expression of outage probability for a decode-and-forward cooperative relay selection with multiple source and destination antennas over Rayleigh fading channels was recently derived in [9]. In this letter, we derive the exact expressions of outage probability and diversity-multiplexing tradeoff over independent and non-identically distributed Nakagami-m fading channels as an extension of [9]. We then analyze the effects of various parameters such as fading conditions, number of relays, and number of source and destination antennas on the outage probability.
Vo Nguyen Quoc BAO Trung Quang DUONG
In this letter, we address the performance analysis of underlay selective decode-and-forward (DF) relay networks in Rayleigh fading channels with non-necessarily identical fading parameters. In particular, a novel result on the outage probability of the considered system is presented. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to verify the correctness of our exact closed-form expression. Our proposed analysis can be adopted for various underlay spectrum sharing applications of cognitive DF relay networks.
Seung-Yeon KIM Sang-Sik AHN Seungwan RYU Choong-Ho CHO Hyong-Woo LEE
In this letter, we propose and analyze a cooperative transmission scheme (CTS) that uses transmission timing control for LTE enterprise femtocells. In our scheme, the user equipment (UE) can receive the desired signal from an adjacent fBS as well as its serving femtocell BS (fBS). Thus, UE achieves an improved signal to interference ratio (SIR) due to the synchronization of the two signals. Analysis and simulation results show that the proposed scheme can reduce the outage probability for enterprise femtocells compared to the conventional system. In particular, a significant performance improvement can be achieved for UEs located at cell edges.